8:30am - Arrival to the venue*

9:00am - Morning Service

  • Greetings
  • Scripture Reading and Prayer
  • CORPORATE SONG "How Great Thou Art"
  • CORPORATE SONG "In Christ Alone"
  • Special Song
  • Sermon by Lance Quinn
  • Short Messages of Pastors
  • Ordination Prayer & Congratulations
  • CORPORATE SONG "All I Have is Christ"
  • CORPORATE SONG "Christ Our Hope in Life and Death"
  • Announcements
  • Final Prayer
  • Anniversary Church Picture

12:30pm - Lunch and Signup for the Main Activity

1:30pm - Whole church Activities**

2:30pm - Waterslides***

  • Cold Brew Coffee, Latte, Caramel Macciato, Affogato, Ice Cream ****

3:00pm - Sports Tournament

4:00pm - Free Time

5:00pm - Dinner

7:00pm - Evening Service

  • Greetings and Prayer
  • CORPORATE SONG "Wonderful, Merciful Savior"
  • CORPORATE SONG IN RUS "Церковь Божия, все вместе"
  • Time of Worship and Praise
  • Interview with church members
  • CORPORATE SONG "Blessed Assurance"
  • Final Word and Prayer
  • CORPORATE SONG IN RUS "Когда в пути душа утомляется"

9:00pm - Free Fellowship and Clean-up

* - If you do not understand Russian, then at the entrance to the territory of the celebration you can grab a set of headphones for translation;
** - Please dress formally for the worship service and bring more comfortable clothes for the free time and games. Please don’t forget that clothing should be modest, not only in your personal taste, but also in accordance with the Bible and the church’s principles of modesty, purity, and holiness. Remember to bring your camping chairs, sun protection for the afternoon, as well as warm clothes and blankets for the evening as it may get chilly.
*** - Dear parents, we ask you to oversee your children throughout the day and especially during children's activities! Оur territory is adjacent to a main roadway and it is not completely fenced off (the church is not responsible for the life and health of your child).
**** - All free drinks and desserts are provided by our International Media Ministry.